Monday, September 6, 2010


In our business class we have this two terms that can dictate one's business life: Vision and Mission. Vision asks the question "What do we want to become?" while Mission asks the question "What is our business?"

In relation with one's life, I believe one should have one's own vision and mission. Vision stating one's dreams and aspirations while mission stating one's being. Combining the two, I think the they answer the fundamental question "What is one's reason of being?"

It's been more than a year and I'm still lost. Lost and floating in all the possibilities life can offer me. In Levinas' term, I am still in Il y a. Il y a is the state of anonymity where one has no identity. Hence, he is still not existing to be.

I believe it is alright to be in this state for a while but being there for a long time is dangerous. Why? Because Il y a or "nothingness" for me is very comforting. One is not entailed to do something -- to be. In Freudian terms, i believe, this is the state of limbo.

More than a year had passed, and I am still in this state of nothingness. I want to be! I want to exist. And by existing I should start defining myself and my dreams.

My God shattered my being a year ago. Now, I am praying that he guides me to build it again according to His will and not mine. Whether my life is weaved to be in politics, priesthood, NGO work, philosophy, business, psychology, leadership, and/or in the justice system, I entrust it to Him.

Thank you Lord for the continuous shattering and molding!

Though my vision is still vague, I believe my mission is already resolved and that is to Love and be His instrument!

Ecce Eco Mitte Me| Call Me and I'll Serve!

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